Wersja 1.1.0
Usunięto błędy z logu, mod już nie laguje
Worki z paszą dla: kur, krów, świń
każda torba o pojemności 100L
cena paszy dla kur: 12
cena paszy dla krów: 70
cena paszy dla świń: 36
With the Grimme BeetBeater, sugar beets are chopped and then fed directly to the BGA. The biogas plant can also be fed with silage and slurry. You receive the income every hour. In addition, fermentat...
With this Fermenting silo you can easily produce Silage.
Production / Hour: 3.000 Liter
Required Inputs: Grass, Chaff
Output: Silage
Information: Mod only playable in combination with GlobalCompany!
This SeedMaker makes seeds from Grain and Herbicide.
Production / Hour: 1.000 Liter
Required Inputs: Grain, Herbicide
Output: Seeds
Information: Mod is only usable in combination with GlobalCompany!