Welcome to Vorpommern Rügen.
The card is fictitious.
All standard functions of the LS 19 are installed.
Animal Pen Extension Ready.
The terrain can not be changed here (problem) fixed.
– Now you can sell the animal stables in the New Farmer mode.
– Now you can sell silage in the haystack.
– Added Bunker for silage in the cowshed. (Need to start new game)
– Several...
On this map you will find areas similar to those found in „Castilla y León” and other areas that have been developed for the game.
RDC began development 5 years ago and will only be available fo...
PGR Śliwno jest duże gospodarstwo rolne zajmujące się uprawą roślin i zwierząt
Sieć kolejowa
Ruch drogowy
Krowy, owce, świnie, konie
Ponad 8 punktów skupu
3 wsie
Ponad 22 pól