This a map based on how Slovenia looks like. It has small fields, which are not rectangle looking and it has a lot of hills. It has a main road which goes through the town.
In the town, there are some...
Witamy w Masnej Dolinie! Mapa jest wykonana w nowoczesnym polskim klimacie i posiada 3 nowoczesne farmy, 50 pól, 3 punkty sprzedaży. Po pobraniu mapy zobaczysz więcej!
Ogromne podziękowania za zielak0...
This is a Slovenian map. All object are made by reallife examples on slovenian farms. The map has two farms, one is on the flat surface and has all the animals,
the second one is in the hills and has ...
Tymonkowo V.
Mapa zaktualizowana do wersji V.2.0.
W pełni kompatybilna z:
-sezon V.
-Maize Plus V.1.3
-Maize Plus CCm Extension
-Maize Plus Forage Extension
-Addon Straw Hervest
Wielu ...