Nice and clean barn that works as a selling point for straw, grass, hay & silage. The Building has automatic lighting.
Selling prices for each product will fluctuate and show up on the PDA.
ITR 26,33 HD: Cena: 55.000 €
Kontener: Cena: 3.500 €
Pojemność: 45 000l
Kontener jest świeżo pomalowany i pomimo wgnieceń wygląda jak nowy. Za pomocą przycisku składania narzędzi można otworzyć i zamk...
Fendt Favorit 5XXC
Price: 35.000€
Power: 95-125hp
Here are the two small 4 cylinder models of the 500 series Favorit.
The small 4-cylinder model is perfect as a farm tractor or for small farms.