Welcome to my first Polish map.
You will find on it as many as:
4 farms with space and the possibility of expansion
5 new crops added to the map
All necessary purchases, such as, for example, a biogas plant, a sawmill, grain purchases, etc.
New equipment needed for new crops has been added
4 villages and traffic and pedestrian traffic
Readable PDAs (thanks to Keadriz)
130 fields and 12 meadows
And many other things that can be found on the map
Have fun!
changelog 1.2
– seasons compatible map
– added Maizeplus (requires Mazieplus forage extensions)
– a new clover crop has been added
– new places to buy manure and fertilizer
-new lighting
– new bush, grass texture and decofoliage
– traffic improvements
-fixed purchases
– lua and log bugs fixed
Fajna mapka. Elegancko się gra na niej. Taka idealna średnia mapa ;)