Sell of old machines in game first, delete old zips from your mods folder, place new zips into your mods folder and enable the mods in your mods panel if needed. All have extended repair cycles.
John Deere 7R By Stevie.
Added twin narrows to the wheel option.
John Deere 8R By Stevie.
Added twin narrows to the wheel option.
Hulk Semi Truck By Stevie.
Fixed Hubs and added chrome, stainless steel and gold to the wheel selection.
Road Runner Semi Truck By Stevie.
Wheel alignment on rear adjusted and added chrome, stainless steel and gold to the wheel selection.
Warrior Semi Truck By Stevie.
Wheel alignment on rear adjusted and added chrome, stainless steel and gold to the wheel selection.
MKS Trailer By Stevie.
Added capacity choice, color choices and faster loading and unloading.