cena: 228.000 €
prędkość robocza: 12 km/h
prędkość: 40 km h
moc: 227 KM – 531 KM
pojemność: 11,500
animowane drzwi sterowane za pomocą myszki
przygotowany pod mod GPS
przygotowany pod mod UniversalPas...
Configurable Wheels
Configurable Weights
Engine Configurations
– Different Decals
US Spec
EU Spec Wheels
Extremity Light Configurations
Moving Engine Parts
Opening Door and Rear Window
Opening Hood
fs19 udim textures
There are 2 versions one is normal rake the other is a tedder and rake combo. The idea is you have grass windrow dries on top so you turn it over to dry bottom.
To run you need to t...